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22, 1963) One Secret Service agent is still drinking at “The Cellar.” ALL AGENTS HAVE TO REPORT FOR DUTY AT 8:00 AM ON THE MORNING OF THE 22ND - three hours from now. 22, 1963) The Secret Service men at “The Cellar” are joking about how several firemen are the only ones left guarding the President at the Hotel Texas, in Fort Worth. A week and a half after the assassination, Mary will receive a phone call from an unknown man who says, “If you don’t want to die, you better get out of town.” H&L 3:30 AM (Nov. When Ruby enters the restaurant, the two men sit together and talk for over a half an hour and then leave. 22, 1963) Mary Lawrence, head waitress at the Lucas B&B Restaurant - two doors down from the Vegas Club, says she is positive that LHO enters the restaurant and tells her and the night cashier that he is waiting for Jack Ruby. 22, 1963) Seven Secret Service agents are still drinking at “The Cellar.” 2:15 AM (Nov. 22, 1963) JFK arrives at the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth. 22, 1963) Marina Oswald notices that her husband, LHO, is still awake. In today’s issue of Life magazine, Clint Murchison’s lawyers, Bedford Wynne and Thomas Webb, are named as members of the “Bobby Baker Set.” Wynne is under federal investigation regarding government funds he is receiving through a Murchison family corporation, some of which have ended up as payoffs (via Thomas Webb) to the law firm of Bobby Baker. Jack Ruby meets Richard Meyers, of Brooklyn, NY for five minutes at the Cabana Motel in Dallas. Gerry Patrick Hemming is reportedly in Miami. Besides being a contact of the CIA’s Domestic Contact Division, a 1967 memo released in 1992 notes that Shaw has been granted a covert security approval in December 1962 for “Project QKENCHANT.” Another person approved for this same project is E.

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Jim Garrison in the JFK murder, has a relationship with the CIA. Note on Clay Shaw: It is now known that Clay Shaw, eventually charged by New Orleans D.A. On this date, Clay Shaw is in San Francisco. On this date, Aristotle Onassis is in Germany for the christening of his newest ship “The Olympic Chivalry.”

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In Madrid, Spain today - the CIA reports hearing from a Cuban journalist who claims to have received a letter stating that GPIDEAL will be killed today. The outdoor walls are covered with provocative photos of scantily clad burlesque dancers, offering a glimpse of what can be viewed inside for a $2 cover charge. That was their business attire, as it were, and people sat around on cushions on the floor.” The Carousel Club in Dallas sits across the street from the Hotel Adolphus at 13121⁄2 Commerce St., upstairs from a delicatessen. He will fly to Mexico hours after JFK’s assassination.) Bob Schieffer, night police reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram remembers “. (Pat Kirkwood is a licensed pilot and owns a twin-engine plane. Several of the women serving liquor to the agents are also strippers from Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club in Dallas.

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22, 1963) Nine Secret Service agents drinking at Pat Kirkwood’s bar the “Cellar Door” in Fort Worth, Texas.

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